Jen Noren can paint a picture of a lonely street and make you want to live there. She paints a blue guitar with a red background and you think, "there's my guitar", even though you never owned one. Her love of life is writ large across every canvas. You want to see what she sees; the world in technicolor.
Let's chat.
Paper Route |
Q1. What is your first memory of art?
A1. I have a lot of early memories of art, because a lot of people in my family painted for fun. But I think my earliest memory of art was when my big sister got in trouble for painting her baby cradle with my Mom’s red oil paint. It’s a pretty vivid memory of being up in the attic in our house in Ashland,
[Ohio], the house I was born in. I was probably around a year old, I bet.
[Interviewer's note: My first conscious memory is from age 13. Some of us are late bloomers.] I remember my Mom yelling at my sister Wendy, and seeing the wooden baby cradle smeared with red oil paint. Red is still my big sister’s favorite color. I think, to Wendy, the cradle must have looked beautifully transformed!
I remember thinking it smelled really bad, like a skunk.
[Interviewer's note: Hahahahahaha] I also remember seeing the oil painting that my Mom was working on. It was a snowy, old fashioned horse-and-buggy church scene, with a big red church that had a tall steeple. This painting hung above our fireplace mantle in my childhood. I don’t know where it is now.
Wendy still paints furniture, lol! After writing this, I think I should gift her with a red cradle. Mom yelled at her then, but it's been a family joke about Wendy's artistic expression ever since.
Rt. 55 |